On Tuesday, September 24 2024 Tobia Repossi gave a speech during the Festival Fattidicultura 2024 held in Mantova at MACA Museum of Ancient Collections.
The theme of the Festival is “The Professions of Culture”, and it’s especially targeted at high school students.
To outline the perimeter within which Fattidicultura‘s reflection on these issues is placed, we have taken as a reference on the one hand the commitment of ANPAL and Unioncamere in analysing the data of the Excelsior Information System survey with specific reference to businesses and professions in the cultural and creative sector; on the other hand the annual research project of Symbola and Unioncamere
‘Io Sono Cultura‘ (I Am Culture), which reports on the economic and social value of businesses operating in the cultural and creative sector to analyse and show how culture and creativity are drivers of the economy and Quality of our country.
During the two days dedicated to the professions of culture, we will meet professionals, projects and actions, related to the macro sectors of cultural and creative industries, historical-artistic heritage; performing arts and entertainment.
The guests – introduced by exceptional experts – will testify about their cultural work addressing the new generations to tell it from different points of view: what training is needed?
Is it a recognised/recognisable professionalism? What successes and what failures? What prospects for the present and the future?
Guests of the first day from the cultural and creative industries sectors:
CARLO MASGOUTIERE (CEO and Project manager of Arché3D innovative technology start-up based in Mantova and Wasp HUB)
TOBIA REPOSSI (Architect designer teaches at the ITS Academy of Brescia and co-founder of the Italian Design Association – which brings together all Italian professionals in China and promotes Italian design culture, Conductor of TR & Partners Design Studio)
SILVIA TEODOSI (Product manager for Power Up Team in Bologna, which develops video games and digital solutions)
GIANLUCA MAGNONI (creative director and director for communication and entertainment)
SARO TORREGIANI (founder of StrongBasement which deals with music production and events in Mantova)
SARA SAORIN (co-founder of Camelozampa publishing house in Monselice)
Moderator: Bertram Niessen scientific director cheFare Milan
Conclusion by: Stefano Baia Curioni Associate Professor at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, Bocconi University and Director of the Fondazione Palazzo Te Mantova